Bold plan to give main street shopfronts in Nambour a lift
Council is encouraging more of the type of work that was done to the magnificently refurbished Whalley Chambers building in Currie Street. Funds are being made available to help Nambour create a more powerful – and lucrative – first impression. The move is aimed at boosting businesses and improving the experience for shoppers at Nambour. It’s just one of the many initiatives reigniting the former sugar town, which is redefining itself as a heritage, arts and music hub. Improvements that could be made thanks to the Sunshine Coast Council investment could range from a fresh coat of paint to eye-catching signage, well-lit displays, vibrant greenery or better accessibility. Funding is now available to assist Nambour town centre business owners with the cost of upgrading the “aesthetic, vibrancy and attractiveness’’ of shopfronts to attract more customers. Council will support matched funding up to a maximum contribution of $5,000. Division 10 Councillor David Law said Council was committed to investing in the Nambour business district. “As a dedicated gateway precinct, Council wants to ensure the Nambour business district welcomes visitors with attractive commercial streetscapes that encourage customers to shop and explore,” Cr Law said. “The appearance of our town, our businesses and […]
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